
  • Full page — 4.5″ wide × 7.5″ high — $175
  • Two-third page — 4.5″ wide × 4.5″ high — $125
  • Half page — 4.5″ wide × 3.75″ high — $100
  • Third page — 4.5″ wide × 2.5″ high — $75


Print ads:

  • All print ads are black and white and 300 dpi.
  • PDF, JPEG and TIFF formats are accepted.
  • Final ad file(s) can be sent via email to

Web ads:

  • Web ads are 300px wide by 300px tall, JPG, PNG or GIF. Animated ads not accepted.

Advertising Material Deadlines

Spring Issue: February 1st
Summer Issue: May 1st
Fall Issue: August 1st
Winter Issue: November 1st


Inserts must be booked six weeks prior to the advertising material deadline per issue and are subject to availability. Inserts must be at the CV2 office no later than one week prior to the advertising material deadline.

1 page double-sided – 10 cents/pc
2 pages double-sided and/or stapled – 12 cents/pc
4 pages double-sided and/or stapled – 16 cents/pc

Advertising Policies

Liability: Clients and/or advertising agencies assume full responsibility for all advertising content (text, representation and illustration) and any claim made against the publisher due to content. The word “advertisement” may be placed above copy, which in the publishers opinion, resembles editorial material. Advertisers should take care to conform to the Human Rights code in their advertising material.

Right of Refusal: CV2 reserves the right to reject any advertising it considers to be in conflict with the editorial mandate of the journal.

Payment: Payment is due within 60 days of the invoice date. CV2 reserves the right to cancel advertising at any time due to nonpayment of bill.

For more information, contact:

Catherine Acebo, Assistant Managing Editor
Contemporary Verse 2, 502-100 Arthur St., Winnipeg, MB R3B 1H3
Phone: (204) 949-1365 Fax: (204) 942-1555