Shades of Grey: Three Recent Books of Poetry
Xiphoid Process by Kevin Connolly House of Anansi Press, 2017 88 pp.; $19.95 (paperback) Octopus by Patrick Warner Biblioasis, 2016...
from Daily Meditations
As a little boy who had no connection to his history or culture, his language or stories, his homelands and...
A Logos No One Can Agree On (Part 1 of “Groundwork: Tracing the Tradition of Rhetoric in Poetry”)
It's been about 100 years since a coterie of Modernist poets exiled rhetoric from poetics. There have been outsiders...
Abbotsford (Part 4 of “Homestead: Venturing into the Poetics of Place”)
Sound travels up from the foot of the mountain, along gentle carvings of switchback and grade, to the rock-terraced garden...
Formally Speaking: In the Pen with Pigheaded Souls
My goal in composing these pieces has been to honour gut reactions, however acidic, and to be entertaining about it....
Salzburg (Part 3 of “Homestead: Venturing into the Poetics of Place”)
A physical voice begins to sound. It sounds. It continues to sound, and then ceases. Silence has now come, and...
Translation is one way that cultures, languages, ideas formed through those languages, historical and social specificities are able to cross...
It’s easy to picture a poet, marginalized by race, sexuality or another marker of difference, battling against the dominant culture,...
Rathven (Part 2 of “Homestead: Venturing into the Poetics of Place”)
The imagination of going home so frequently means going ‘back’ in both space and time. Back to the old familiar...