The Foster Poetry Prize

Submissions for the 2024 Foster Poetry Prized are now closed. Thanks everyone who submitted!

Submissions for the 2025 Foster Poetry Prize will open in June.

Formerly known as the Young Buck Poetry Prize, the Foster Poetry Prize is a writing contest for emerging poets of any age. The prize is awarded to the author of the single best submitted poem, along with $1000 and publication in CV2. Three honourable mentions are also awarded, each with a cash prize and publication in CV2.

Participating poets can be any age, but must not have previously published a full-length book of poetry (chapbooks are fine). All entrants must be willing to provide proof of their publication history if requested.

See the winners from previous years here!

Full contest rules

    • Participating poets can be any age, but must not have published a full-length book of poetry (chapbooks are fine). All entrants must be willing to provide proof of their publication history if requested.
    • Open to Canadian and International poets.
    • Entry fee: $26 (first entry, includes 1-year subscription), $16 (subsequent entries)
    • Due to high international shipping costs, the subscription term for contest entrants residing in the US is 9 months (3 issues). For international residents, the subscription term is 3 months (1 issue).
    • Early Bird Deadline: Enter by September 1st, 2024, and submit an extra poem at no additional charge.
    • Deadline for all contest entries: November 1st, 2024 at 11:59pm central time.
    • Your submission may consist of 1-2 poems, and is not to exceed 80 lines total. If you are submitting within the Early Bird Deadline and will be including a third poem, that poem can put you over the 80-line limit. However, the extra poem must not be longer than 28 lines.
    • Stanza breaks DO NOT count as lines, nor do titles or subheadings.
    • Do not identify yourself anywhere in your attachment. Enter your name and address information in the form provided in Submittable. In the space reserved for a cover letter please enter the title(s) of your piece(s) and line count.
    • Your entry must be formatted on 8 1/2″ x 11″ using single spacing and a 12 point font (Times New Roman preferred).
    • Entries must be sent in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format using Submittable. Please do not send your poem as a pdf.
    • Winners of the 2024 Foster Poetry Prize will be notified by email and results will be available on the CV2 website in January 2025.
    • Each piece must be original, unpublished, not submitted elsewhere for publication or broadcast, nor accepted elsewhere for publication or broadcast, nor entered simultaneously in any other contest or competition for which it is also eligible to win a prize.
    • Winning pieces will be published in CV2 magazine, with authors paid for publication.

Contest prizes

The Foster Poetry Prize awards $1000 and publication in CV2 Magazine to the author of the winning poem. Second and third place winners and an honourable mention will receive publication in CV2 and $350, $250, and $150 respectively.