
a pantoum


We stain the vision with what we think we know.

I remember myself as a child, touching roses

On the other side of the street I was not allowed to cross

The moment and I stand purely sensual unframed by mental traffic.


I remember myself as a child, touching roses

The residue of last night’s rain falls from their petals

And the moment and I stand perfumed, purely sensual

Sight is a veil, dumbing down the supernatural.


The residue of last night’s rain falls from their petals.

Nostalgia craves pure essence, vision without an intervening eye.

Sight is a veil, dumbing down the transcendent.

Inhaling sweet perfume, I discover the workings of a mind.


Nostalgia craves pure essence, vision without the intervening eye.

Wants regress back to the Garden time when no translation was needed.

Sight is a veil, dumbing down innocence and beauty.

We lost the vision for what we thought we knew.