Foster Poetry Prize Deadline Extension


You know how we all pretend there’s not going to be an encore after a musical performance, but we all know that there will be?…

You knew it was coming: we’re extending the deadline to submit to the 2023 Foster Poetry Prize!

Listen – we’re poets! We all procrastinate! It’s ok! And now you have a whole extra week to procrastinate some more. But AFTER THAT it’s really time to finalize those poems, save those documents, and send your best work our way. No double encores here! Gotta submit by Nov 8th for your chance to have your work judged by the great Emily Riddle and win $1000 and publication in CV2.

The Foster Poetry Prize is a writing contest for emerging poets. The prize is awarded to the author of the single best submitted poem, along with $1000 and publication in CV2. Three honourable mentions are also awarded, each with a cash prize and publication in CV2. Participating poets can be any age, but must not have previously published a full-length book of poetry (chapbooks are fine). All entrants must be willing to provide proof of their publication history if requested.

Click here for the full guidelines.