The Winter Issue

Winter 2019. Vol. 41 No.3

The Winter 2019 issue features poems and reviews by thirty-two captivating writers, including the winners of the 2018 2-Day Poem Contest. The writers in this issue invite us to contemplate love and loss, life and death, endings and beginnings. In the Winter 2019 issue you will find new reviews by Karen Quevillon, Douglas Walbourne-Gough, and Aaron Boothby (just to name a few) as well as new poetry by Lara Bozabalian, A. F. Moritz, Jill Talbot, and many others. Their words leave us remembering, aching, and longing for home. Yet the writers also provide us with a sense of relief/resurfacing; they remind us to emerge from a winter’s sleep at our own pace, coming back into the warmth of our bodies slowly and comfortably. Hanna Reimer’s cover artwork, “Pillow,” is evocative of the themes that course through this issue: comfort and connection, remnants of home, and the snowy season.