Poem 39 – A tongue listens to a war

Driven out of Lebanon warm air opens the lines

Slow moving vowels grip glottal, we pucker

Hiss of splayed gullets marks the gaps

Their right legs slightly forward and left feet turned out


The future blended American would be less intelligent

By definition shall be internalized by targeted anathema

They all run and play together, his eager body quivers

In coy reprisal, discursive suicide fits the niche


This polymer web of four-time relationships

With whom we cannot be reconciled in lamblike game

Scribling and Lying spread Faculties of Profit and Credit

A fantasy of tea & truth and there there below


These anarchists split a magnet for the Ignorance Frame

With the Assistance of a Friend in the Peak

A roving Fancy Burlesques that Sacred Rite

Porn for the whole soul goes to Issah as peace


Let me cruise the blue flame of you or shatter

Velvet curtain of culture deadly teevee scree 

Decorative laminates, moral recovery, picnic ware,

Just this side of heaven is a hole called Rainbow Bridge


Sean cannot rely on symbolic layers of hum

Guaranteeing that Christian will get the aphorism

Bright touch blood your earth language affect

Get ready for permanent enlargement of your dearest part



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