We are pleased to announce the long list for this year's Young Buck Poetry Prize, as selected by judge Michael Prior! We received many strong submissions this year, and compiling this list was no easy task for our judge. Congratulations to those of you who made the long list, and thank you to everyone who entered!
Without further ado, here is CV2's Young Buck Poetry Prize long list for 2017:
“A Boat Is Not the Whole World” by Sarah Ens
“A Restaurant in California” by Curtis LeBlanc
“Aubade” by Zachary Matteson
“Crystals” by Ellie Sawatzky
“Dog” by Suzannah Showler
“Fermeuse, 2015” by Patrick O'Reilly
“Glassblowing” by Emily Osborne
“India Lima Yankee, India Lima Yankee” by Marika Prokosh
“Lyric Pathography” by Rebecca Salazar
“Naturecultures” by Emily Skov-Nielson
“Reconnaissance” by Andy Verboom
“Theriomorphism” by Jordan Mounteer
Check back soon, we will announce the shortlist on January 5th and the winners on January 10th.
Again, thank you to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the long list!