Poem as Travelogue
Summer 2008. Vol. 31 No.1
“Poem as Travelogue / Le poème comme explorateur” features an interview with J.R. Léveillé, internationally respected Franco-Manitoban poet, novelist and essayist, by Laurent Poliquin, with a new selection of his work. J.R. Léveillé talks about writing, poetry and geo-social polemics of French Canadian writing. Also includes “Formally Speaking” by Maurice Mierau, and new poetry by Heather Casby, Rhona McAdam, Patrick Woodcock, and many more poets who have travelled to the ends of the world in poetic form.
Online content from this issue
by eric paul shaffer
“Here,” he says, “this is where you may see Gunung Merapi” The Burning Mountain. The volcano looms in steam and...
by trisia eddy
supposedly, we all come with hair clean, combed free of nits. don't share towels, she warns, everything is contagious. sheets,...
by sue chenette
Green porcelain gleam of Naga’s scales along a balustrade, garudas craning skyward from a tiered roof. Plop of ripe...
by heather aimee o'neill
We leave behind a language, travel back to where her name began, a country split in dialect she never learned...
by john creary
has not been written. No, but it is here. It’s there, North of your first breath, North of your free...
by Misty Elliot
My proof of choice was moonshine a fermented sugar that could parch every last hydrogen pearl from the sky. Lost...
by Kate Flaherty
Poppa’s trinkets shudder and rattle against the window-shelf pane whenever one of the grans primes the pump outside: an Alaskan...
by Amy Leah White
I made a crude vessel, a trough my sweetheart. Shiny pigs, the knives went rooting in the muck of me....
by Renée Griffiths
january weather is agitated daily along the four-oh-one. each nimbus vessel pausing to think before sloughing ice, rain, snow, hail....
by Maureen Scott Harris
Your letters have kept me company for weeks but now I feel the wrench of parting, the book about to...
by Katherine Lawrence
flickertail, picketpen, tawny burrowing pest of the short grass prairie, crippler of horse & rider, cattle bison ox; tractor disabler,...