Day Jobs, Night Shifts
Fall 2004. Vol. 27 No.2
“Day Jobs Night Shifts: Surviving on Poetry.” Features interviews with John Barton, Joe Denham, and Ron Charach. This issue includes poetry by each of the interviewed authors as well as Michael Aird, Julia McCarthy, and more.
Online content from this issue
by John Barton
Egg tempera on pressed wood panel, 1948 A compound flagged by concrete, cracks unadorned By blades of grass straggling...
by John Barton
Egg tempera on gesso panel, 1994 Taut prose stripped bare His skin stretched by time, the relaxed lines...
by Ron Charach
His patient brings in a dream, to infiltrate his own: I’m about five, I’m on a windy beach dragging at...
by Katherine Cameron
I. It has nothing to do with language—their papers fracture syntax, dangle over the railing of incomprehension. Their logic is...
by Julia McCarthy
There’s a lamp in a window like a small moon framed and hung on a house there’s rain the sound...
by Laurent Poliquin
soulever doucement l’horizon comme un tapis s’y faufiler poussière attendre ne rien dire refuser de franchir le chemin du sol...
by Laurent Poliquin
une fuite endimanchée coquine écartelée du convoi des habitudes dans l’allant cortège Winnipeg transit m’immiscer humide par le détour rond...